Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Brunch- The Pride of Life; a Fresh Perspective

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2:16

If you're a believer, you've probably heard or referenced this very popular Bible verse once or twice in your life. Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. The pride of life...... When I think of that phrase, thoughts of yachts and mansions and Ferraris rush my imagination. I think of Ken Jeong in that Adidas commercial, wearing that gold windbreaker suit sitting on a pile of money. But many more of us suffer from the Pride of Life than we'd like to recognize.

The evil one is clever in the manifestations of sin. The enemy will have you think something sinful you're doing isn't sinful at all. Vincent's Word Studies defines the pride of life (from the greek-             ἡ ἀλαζονεία τοῦ βίου) as:

"empty, braggart talk or display; swagger; 
and thence an insolent and vain assurance 
in one's own resources, 
or in the stability of earthly things, 
which issues in a contempt of divine laws."

"Empty, Braggart Talk or Display; Swagger"
Actor Ken Jeong portraying a filthy rich glutton
 in an Adidas Ad campaign. I don't know what it had to do
with shoes.........

the Ken Jeong example is the easiest example of "vainglory" to recognize. We all know at least one person like that. They may not wear a gold windbreaker suit but maybe they're always talking about their newest shopping conquest (the new Michael Kors handbag or the upgrade from the Honda to the Acura). Do you have a DIY-er friend? The DIYers are my favorite. "I bought this mid-century piece of crap at the thrift store for 10 bucks and for only $100 in chalkboard paint, a gallon of strategically applied modge podge, and seven coats of shellack later, I have this fully customized piece of shabby couture!" It seems harmless enough, but it's boastful. 

Here's a more covert one: maybe you have a friend that's always talking about how much they saved coupon-ing. They've possibly shown you their insurmountable stockpile of free deodorant, single-blade razors, and Poise pads (even though they're not old or leaky) they have FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. We truly are obsessed with saving in this country. But what are we saving for? Is it for God's glory or our own bragging rights? 

Here's the most covert of examples- Do you possibly have a friend (because it couldn't be you) that does missional things (i.e. feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, etc....) and then announces them in a "humble" way over social media? Maybe they even show a picture of the poor soul who they've helped with the scarf THEY put around their neck with some churchy quote that goes something like this "Blessed to have met Sammy while reaching out to the homeless community tonight." Who was that post for?!?!? Sammy surely aint' seeing it! He most likely doesn't have a computer. Matt. 6:3 clearly states: "But when you give to the needy, do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing," Goodness gracious! Whatever happened to storing up your treasures in heaven? 

(just a side note,with the exception of the Acura, Michael Kors bag and announcing missional acts on social media, I am guilty to varying degrees of the other offenses mentioned)  

"An Insolent and Vain Assurance in One's Own Resources, or in the Stability of Earthly Things,"

For a long time, my email password was "independentwoman". You'll have to forgive me, because I came of age right when that Destiny's Child song was soaring to the top of the Billboard charts and "Girl Power" was a religion more than it was a catch phrase. I thought I could do anything I wanted and say anything that came to mind. My mom told me "You don't need no man for nothing. Get a job before you get kids. Make sure if he leaves you, you can help yourself."And I prescribed to that for most of my teens and early 20's. But I wasn't truly independent. Instead, I was a slave to seeing how much I could do without the help of anyone else; man, woman, family, or friend. I drove myself near insane and also became super lonely in the process. 

When or if you declare yourself independent, the only thing you make yourself, is independent of God. See, God works in our weakness not our strength and independence. If we decide to declare independence, He'll leave us be for a while, to bloody our own nose. Then, He'll come and clean us up; demonstrating how much He loves us, how much we really do need Him, and getting his well-deserved glory (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).  

We were not meant to do this life alone. We are to walk out our faith with one another (fellow followers of Christ); sharing your life (I'm not talking hippie communes)- the joys, struggles, humiliations and triumphs with each other for God's glory and each other's edification. We are to commune with God regularly through the reading of His Word, and prayer. (Hebrews 10: 24-25, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)  

"A Contempt of Divine Laws"

Our God is a jealous God (Exodus 20:4-5). He doesn't want to share the spotlight; not even with us! 
Prideful behavior, reduced to its most basic element, is placement of focus on ourselves and the removal of our focus from God. So I ask, where is your focus? 

Are you consumed with the perfection of your image?
Do you mourn or pity the things that lack regarding your image (self deprecate)?  
Have you made yourself an idol by constantly being obsessed with your image or what others think about you? 
Have made your blog, your children, or perhaps, your spouse and idol? Do you spend more time thinking about them than spending time with God? 

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you're in contempt! Get it? Like contempt of court? With our self-preservation and focus on self, we are pridefully attempting to usurp the divine laws. It's not gonna happen though. We're not gonna win that struggle. We cannot serve 2 masters (Matt. 6:24) so you gotta choose: God or god(s)? 

This Sunday Brunch was a tough one. While writing it, God has put the mirror right in my face and has allowed me to see some places I need to relinquish to Him. Isn't God good like that?!? It's a humbling and refining experience but I love it because I come out better (because of God) and more equipped to do His work. I pray the same for you. 

Sunday Brunch happens every Sunday as a spiritual encouragement for readers of the Fiery Wife blog. Come back next week and see what God is serving up for you to eat. "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! (Ps. 34:8)"

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