Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Brunch- Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

Victoria Osteen, at the least, stuck her foot in her mouth big time with her most recent and public statements from the pulpit. Victoria is the co-pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas with her husband Joel Osteen.  Lakewood Chruch is a mega church touting a weekly attendance of more than 40,000 worshippers. Worshippers of what? I don't know.

The issue started with a video clip that was released of Victoria speaking to the congregation from the pulpit with Joel at her side saying the following:

“I just want to encourage everyone of us to realize when we obey God, we’re not doing it for God – I mean, that’s one way to look at it – we’re doing it for ourselves, because God takes pleasure when we’re happy.

“So I want you to know this morning: Just do good for your own self. Do good because God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you’re not doing it for God really. You’re doing it for yourself, because that’s what makes God happy. Amen?”

Don't believe me? See for yourself right here.  Disclaimer: I could not find the full length video that included this clip and am aware that statements can be misconstrued and manipulated when edited. I want to be as objective and Bible-based in my reporting on this topic as possible.

A little background..........
I have done my research and know that neither Joel or his wife Victoria are ordained by any reputable, Bible based, Christ-centered, Christian denomination in the world. Joel was "ordained" by his 6 member board at Lakewood in a private ceremony in 1992. Lakewood holds no national or international accreditation and is denominationally undefined. That's like me giving myself the "Best Blogger in the Universe Award" then asking everyone to recognize it's validity.

Lakewood is commonly know amongst Christian evangelical circles as a church that preachers Word of Faith or Prosperity Gospel- a type of teaching that abuses the Word of God by preaching messages that bolster and encourage the accumulation of material things and monetary wealth as a sign of good standing with God.

Back to Victoria..........
The words that came out of her mouth were in direct opposition to the Word of God:

God doesn't promise us happiness- he promises us joy and peace. 
(James 1:2-3, Phillippians 4:7)
The Word talks about joy and peace for followers of Christ but not happiness. Now, to be fair, happiness is mentioned in the Bible, but far less than "joy" and "peace". And, in a quick contextual search of the word "happy" in the Bible, it is used almost exclusively as an emotion of  circumstance. Happy is used to describe a fleeting emotion of God's people in varied circumstances that brought them temporary elevated emotions.

But joy and peace, often incorrectly interchanged with happy, on the other hand, is God breathed and permanent. It surpasses all understanding and prevails in the midst of trial, tribulation, persecution, and pain.

God is a Comforter but is not concerned with our comfort or happiness.
(2 Corinthians 1:4, The entire book of Job)
Job suffered greatly at the hands of the evil one. Job's suffering grieved God but He did not intervene, only telling the enemy he could not kill Job. Job, I would safely say, was unhappy and uncomfortable. The poor man was picking at the sores on his body and had lost everything. To God be the glory! The beauty of Job's testimony is that God restored Job in a way that Job couldn't have imagined. Job was proven to be a righteous man before the Lord; unfaltering in the midst of his pain and suffering. Easily he could've cursed God and died as advised by his wife, but Job chose to be faithful in the midst of a mighty storm.

God wants His glory, is jealous for it, and will share it with no one; not even ourselves!
(Nahum 1:2, Deuteronomy 4:24)
Every word, every story and prophecy point us to the glory of our Triune God- the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Word actually warns agains messing with God's glory or giving it to something or someone else.

When we come to church or gather in His Name, we do so for HIM. We DO NOT come for ourselves, we come to worship and glorify God. 
(Colossians 3:16, 1 Peter 2:9)

Gathering for God is the tenant that sets us apart from Humanists and New Age Spiritualists. Our focus is not on self. The Bible tells us that gathering together for God takes the focus off of us humans and puts it on God, where our attention is properly placed.

Victoria Osteen's Words are Dangerous.
They are dangerous because she is in a position of power. They are dangerous because she has a following of millions. They are dangerous because her teachings from the pulpit are in direct opposition to the Word of God. They are dangerous because a new believer or a believer weaker in their faith could misconstrue her words for Gospel truth, which it is not! (Romans 16:17-18, Colossians 2:8, 2 Timothy 4:3-4)

What to do! What to do! Lawd! What to do! 
You have eyes to see and ears to hear (Isaiah 6:10). So please listen carefully to the words coming out of your pastor's mouth! If you've found yourself gravitating to the feel good messages brought forth by the Osteen Ministry, I urge you to be discerning about the leaders you follow. Not all that glitters is gold. A flashy smile, self-promoting witty sayings, and a multitude of other followers will only take you so far in your walk with Christ. One day you will have to stop drinking the nutrient-less milk the Osteens are peddling to the masses and eat some spiritual meat.

Second, earnestly pray for Victoria, her husband Joel, the Lakewood staff, and congregation. Pray that she and her husband Joel have a true encounter with Jesus Christ. Revenue focused Ministries like Joel and Victoria Osteen's take the focus off Christ and unrighteously redirects it to themselves, their material possessions, and the material possessions of their congregants. Often, congregants of these types of churches are relieved of a lot of their money by buying things like New York Times Bestsellers written by their Pastor, that won't get them nearer or gain them entrance into the Kingdom of God! It's not a sin to be rich, but it becomes a lot trickier to be righteous before the Lord when you are (Mark 10:25, 1 Timothy 6:17-19, 1 Timothy 6:9-12).

"I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."
-Romans 16:17-18

Sunday Brunch happens every Sunday as a spiritual encouragement for readers of the Fiery Wife blog. Come back next week and see what God is serving up for you to eat. "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! (Ps. 34:8)"

Websites Referenced:


  1. Hmmm...interesting topic, Nicole. And controversial I must say. I've listened to some Joel Osteen preachings but I haven't listened to Victoria yet. It is sad when those we expect to speak the word/base their teachings on the Word says what contradicts to what is written. But, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt until I've heard it or maybe until she's explained it.

    Maybe, and I'm just looking at the other side of her teaching here, she meant that God does not need us to worship Him because whether we worship Him or not, He is already God. He doesn't need our prayers or worship to make him omnipotent. He created the world without our help so He doesn't need us to make Him glorious. And that He takes delight in us so what makes us happy makes Him doubly happy. Besides, He is a Father first. And fathers take joy on their children. That's my take. I haven't heard the whole preaching yet so I can't judge her whole teaching or her intentions.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

    1. What is controversial about pointing out heresy?

  2. Super Lux, Thanks for your response. Being a worship director at my church, I take things I say from the stage/pulpit very seriously. I mull over my words and make sure the things I say are not out of alignment with the word to the best of my abilities. I know God would cover any errancy I spoke but I have a biblical responsibility to be accountable for my words. Scripture calls pastors to a higher standard-1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 attest to these qualifications. Of course God doesn't need our worship, (Luke 19:40 attests to this) but over and over we are commanded to worship. Our worship relationship with God isn't reciprocal. He doesn't need our worship but we need to worship Him. We need Him. In short, the overt biblical errancy of Victoria's words and the blind agreement by her husband Joel and the congregation are at the least alarming, and the most, spiritually disastrous.
