Friday, May 2, 2014

Waaaaay Too Long Prayers and Thousand-Leggers

Sooo, today was a rough day and by rough I mean, it truly wasn’t rough at all; more interesting than anything. It’s hard not to take my cue from all the other firewife blogs I’ve read and believe that everything bad will happen when your spouse is on duty. Well, my husband was indeed on duty on my “rough” day.

The morning started out with my 6yr old waking up at 6:45am telling my husband he peed the bed. I was still sleeping but heard the exchange between him and my hubby.

Hubby: ok bud, take your clothes off so I can put you in the shower. You smell like pee.
Son: Ok Daddy
5 min later
Hubby: Ok son, brush your teeth and put your clothes on.
Son: Ok Daddy
Hubby: Where’s your book order form? Wife, where’s his book order form?
Wife: Huh? Afoadfncjnifnjdsna.
Hubby: Ok.....
Son: Good morning mommy!!!!!!
Wife: Huh? Asofmsofmasonfsf.
Hubby: Wife, the little one soaked through his pull-up. I took his clothes off.
The Little One: (he somehow made it to my lap) Hi mommy.
Wife: Huh? Hi little one. Where are your clothes?
The Little One: I peed in the bed. 

Son: (with a smile) I peed in the bed too!

And so my day began.....Let the dog out in the back yard. She’s in heat. We were supposed to get her fixed last week but there was a schedule blunder at the vet’s and in one week’s time, yup, blood on the floor. Really?!? Penicillin,Honey Bunches of Oats, Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, Amoxicillin. Milk and socks and toothbrushes and poopy underwear. I’m sorry’s, rubber band bracelets, lunches and backpacks. It’s not yet 8:30 but we make it into the van and to Oldest Son’s school by 9:02. Whew.

It’s raining but I’m trying to get the word out about my business. So here I am dodging raindrops with the little one, tacking up business advertisements in my local area shops.  I was excited to do that. I wouldn’t put that in my “rough day” category. Aside from the rain, it was exhilarating. Starting up a business, much less a music business, is tough stuff but exciting. Right now I’m five months in and have 2 customers. I have faith more will come; the wait is just excruciating!

We get home and the little one keeps asking for his medicine.
The Little One: Mama, I need my medicine.
Mama: You had your medicine.
The Little One: I need my medicine.
Mama: You had it. This morning. You cannot have it again until bedtime.
The Little One: (through tears) I have to take my medicine.

I’m through. The Little One was diagnosed with a form of Sickle Cell Disease at birth. He’s never had any pain crises (Thank You God!) but takes Penicillin twice daily to back up his immune system. Just to bring you back from toddler-dom, he did indeed have his medicine in the morning and I don’t know why he was so insistent on taking another dose. Then it dawned upon me. It was time for a nap. The tears and illogical requests made perfect sense.

Naptime came and I got this genius idea to change the face of Facebook with an insightful post. Not worth repeating. retrospect I don’t know how insightful it was, but you gotta have a good laugh at yourself and Facebook said 179 people saw my post.

The rest of the afternoon went fine. Homework, bow and arrows, running, running, running in my house. Disney channel. Pee right in front of the potty. Dirty dishes, crying dog, crying son, crying little one consecutively. Pizza dough. Kneading pizza dough. Mozzarella cheese on the floor. Pineapples, slices of ham, and jalepenos. Mmmmmm. Baths, more penicillin, more amoxicillin (Older Son’s strep) and then I heard a crack. I looked out onto our back patio to see the wind had taken the table and cracked the umbrella my husband left open the other night. I couldn’t leave it out there so I had to figure out how to close a broke patio umbrella. Not rocket science, but all I wanted to do was sit down. My fix involved snapping metal and using a wrench that I didn’t use as a wrench. Bedtime was postponed and Older Son helped me out. Thank you son! OK. 8:30 bedtime for real. Prayer. The little one insists on inventorying his entire day to God. The first 2 minutes are always cute then I’m trying to fit in a closer.

Mama: in Jesus name! .....
The Little One: Mommy! I’m not done! (pause) Jesus thank you for my friends........
Mama: in Jesus name......
The Little One: Wait! I didn’t pray for brother!
Mama: Yes you did.
Son: (rubbing my arm consoling me)
The Little One: OK. In Jesus name. A-men!

Kisses all around and I'm just glad no one asked to speak to Mr. Finger (I'll fill you in about him later). My hubby and I texted back and forth. I really love him! His night has been quiet and I’m thankful. That’s a blessing even though he wants to work. And I sat to write this. I let the dog lay next to me (on top of an old crappy blanket) on the couch. She seemed to appreciate that. She laid her head in my lap seemingly exhausted. Maybe I’m just projecting my own crappy feelings on this dog. She cracks me up when she farts. She farts then looks at her butt, surprised it escaped her. Oh my. And finally, I just killed a thousand-legger. I beat it with my shoe and then finished this sentence. Goodnight.
    Fiery Wife

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